Aviagen, and the other attendees at this seminar are committed to full compliance with both the letter and spirit of the antitrust laws. This seminar brings together competitors; therefore, we must take steps to avoid even the appearance that we are touching on competitively sensitive topics.
There should not be any need to discuss or exchange, therefore, the attendees will not discuss or exchange, any competitively sensitive information. Competitively sensitive information encompasses information that is not public and that could be used by a competitor or supplier to make production, pricing, or marketing decisions. It includes, but is not limited to, information relating to current and future prices, including discounts, slotting allowances, bids, or price lists, costs, capacity, distribution, marketing, supply, market territories, customer relationships, and the terms of dealing with any particular customer(including the identity of individual customers and the quantity sold to any particular customer).
Violations of antitrust laws can result in substantial penalties for companies and for individuals, including damages, treble damages, criminal fines, and injunctions. Individuals can be subject to criminal prosecution and prison sentences.
Any discussions of competitively sensitive matters with the company’s competitors may create the appearance of an antitrust violation, even though there is none. Therefore, any such discussions or sharing of competitively sensitive information among competitors should be avoided at all times, both before, during, and after this training.
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